Tales Talks: The Spotless Dalmatian

The Spotless Dalmatian by InitialsAA.

This is the story of a dog that could have and should have lived a dream life in a castle. But it was kicked out because it was a spotless Dalmatian. Its bowl remained empty while other dogs slept every night with full bellies! The poor Dalmatian made do with crumbs every day, out of sight, without ever complaining, until one day, it was chased away once more because it dared to refuse rotten food. Since then, it has wandered from house to house, benefiting from the inhabitants' charity.

There came a time when it had not eaten for a long time and was torn by hunger. There were no more houses or benefactors to feed it.
A fat cat passing and fond of dogs was surprised to see an abandoned beautiful doggie. He took and cleaned it up a bit because he wanted to take it at a banquet he was invited to. He asked the dog to stay quietly in a corner, and he would give it something to eat, at worst, a few delicious crumbs at the end of the meal, at best, a well-filled bowl, back home.
Salivating and hungry, the dog saw the victuals pass by, with its saliva for only comfort, which he swallowed greedily. At the time of the dessert, it thought it should have gone running the well-stocked garbage cans of this house of abundance to sustenance. There was no bowl nor leftover crumbs; the one who had brought it there, with his belly skin tightly stretched, ignored the quiet moans of the starving stray dog. The spotless Dalmatian reassured itself with the thought of «no meal without crumbs" and waited until a housekeeper finally noticed its awkward presence and kicked it out.
The evil benefactor, embarrassed, did not dare to say that he had brought the dog; moreover, stray, no! Too bad for his reputation in a world where image, pretenses, self-righteousness, and appearance were worth their weight in gold! And he wasn't going to take another dog; he already had one at home. He turned a blind eye while the poor Dalmatian was led outside, under the rain showers, because it was raining now. 
How could the poor Dalmatian have known that this good dinner would be the only one without a crumb?

What do you think happened to the poor Dalmatian? Choose the ending you would like:

The dog disappeared into the night, never to be seen again. The evil one silenced his conscience and went on his way as if nothing had happened, only for a while, because when he arrived home, he found his dog dead. He felt deeply sorry for his dead dog and the spotless Dalmatian who needed him so much but whom he had cowardly abandoned. He had to live with this pain and shame, barely hidden inside him, all his life.
The spotless Dalmatian, driven by hunger, fell into a stream while trying to grab a piece of bread. At the end of his strength, he was stranded in the garden of an older man who took him in, cared for him, and adopted him. They lived happily together for many years.
The evil one, tortured by his conscience, went out in the rain to look for the dog, which he saw being washed away by the stream. Forgetting his valuable finery, he dived into the muddy water to save the dog. He took care of him and kept him under his protection. To his surprise, those whose eyes and judgment he feared found nothing wrong with it!

The Spotless Dalmatian by InitialsAA, Read Only, Copyrights. All rights reserved.

 Coming soon:  The story of Tommy and Jimmy 


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