Abiamo, Albertan and other Books by InitialsAA

"Abiamo", roman écrit par Annick Atyame et autopublié en 2021 est une œuvre captivante inspirée d’un événement réel, qui vous plonge au cœur d’une excursion de pêche à main apparemment idyllique, mais rapidement transformée en disparition inquiétante. Des enfants se retrouvent livrés à eux-mêmes au cœur d’une forêt dangereuse et une ombre pèse désormais sur une communauté autrefois tranquille.
Au fil des pages, vous serez entraînés dans un labyrinthe de secrets, de suspense et de peur, où la frontière entre hasard, accident et malveillance se fond dans une énigme effrayante. Bien que romancé, « Abiamo » s’inspire d’un véritable mystère non résolu, au cœur de la forêt équatoriale vierge en Afrique. Abiamo est aussi une exploration poignante de la résilience humaine et la recherche de la justice. Les adolescents et adultes amateurs de suspense captivant ancré dans la réalité, se régaleront avec Abiamo.

It is a fascinating short story about a nature photographer and a baby bald eagle struggling to overcome problems. A successful nature photographer, Thomas retreats from the town, eaten by anxiety. He wanted to spend time alone to think. He decides to watch an eagle family upon his daughter's demand. The fate of a fragile eaglet moves him deeply. What the nature photographer soon observed blew his mind, changed his life, and gave him hope. The humorous and exciting characters will make you want to read nonstop. Read, like, review, and share. Thank you for your support and your time!
Paperback and ebook available on Amazon

An innocent game turned into chaos, and Robert Whalehilled's friends accused him falsely. Every adult turned a blind eye while Robert suffered anger, pain, and abuse because of their terrible lie. Robert is back in his village years later. Sadly, the villager's indifference brings no solace to his hurting soul, turning him into a spiteful individual ready to wreak vengeance on Pohper. Read it free with a Kindle subscription. Paperback and ebook available on Amazon

Children are invited to a fishing party but get rapidly lost in a dangerous forest. Was it an accident or worse? Discover in this story one of the oldest means of telecommunication in the world, long before the radio: the talking lug drums, the Bulu Wireless! It is an exciting, original book to discover, read, and give as a present. Paperback and ebooks are available on Amazon

In a village, a candy hunt turns into a tragedy, plunging the inhabitants into a disastrous silence and denial against the young Grosbert. Will the village's doctor be able to sort things out and cure them all? 


The adventures of young teenagers in the Sahel atypical town of Reguid will suddenly plunge them into the adult world. An invitation to a thrilling discovery, a spiritual journey through the eyes of Julie, for a most extraordinary adventure.


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